Nine Técnico students receive scholarship in honour of Civil Engineering alumnus

The "Engenheiro Augusto Ramalho Rosa" scholarship programme was created by Berta Marinho in honour of her husband, a former Técnico student.

Nine Técnico students have already received the “Engenheiro Augusto Ramalho Rosa” scholarship, a number that has been increasing over the years. The ceremony took place on December 18. Six scholarships were renewed and another three were awarded to new students. The programme was established and named in honour of Berta Marinho’s husband, a former Civil Engineering student at Técnico. The scholarship is dedicated to bachelor’s and master’s degree students in this field.

Alexandre Francisco, Vice-President of Técnico for Academic Affairs, congratulated the scholarship winners. “It’s always a pleasure to see our students recognised for the work they’re doing and for their good performance”, he said. He also thanked Rita and Mariana Schreck, family members who represented Berta Marinho. “It’s always very important for us that society recognises the work of our students”, he added. Rita Schreck expressed her gratitude on behalf of the family – “we’re very happy to know that this is making a difference in your lives,” she said. She admitted that she is “always very moved” when she hears the testimonies of the scholarship holders who benefit from her mother Berta’s “very good idea”.

The nine students expressed their gratitude. “This will be my last time, but for good reasons”, explained Rúben Batista. The student – who shared “I am about to hand in my thesis” – said that, on the contrary, it certainly won’t be the last time he feels “grateful for the support the patrons have given me”. He assured that this gratitude would accompany him “throughout his professional life”.

Diogo Leitão is at a different stage in his academic career. He is still attending the 1st cycle and expressed his relief at receiving this scholarship for the first time. “It’s a huge help – I was working and it was very difficult to combine work with studies. Now I can dedicate myself completely to studies” he explained. He assured patrons that he hopes to be able to give back the gesture in the future.

In this year’s edition, the scholarships of Rúben Batista, Tomás Oliveira, Edgar Sousa, Margarida Silva, Pedro Carvalho and Vitor Valverde were renewed. Beatriz Germano, Pedro Ruas and Diogo Leitão received the scholarship for the first time.