Life training

Life training
Fundec and Técnico+ offer high quality advanced and professional training in the fields of Science and Technology, responding to market needs and creating value for professionals and institutions.
FUNDEC – Association for Training and Development in Civil Engineering and Architecture has as one of its main objectives to deliver formal continuous training courses with a view to improving and upskilling the people and the firms involved in the extensive field of civil engineering. FUNDEC was created in 1995 as an affiliation between the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment (DECivil), of Instituto Superior Técnico, and a number of leading Portuguese building and construction firms. This initiative was unprecedented in terms of university-corporate partnerships in the Portuguese building industry. The success, credibility, quality of teaching and relevance of FUNDEC to the building industry are borne out by the more than 19500 trainees and 930 training actions presented to date. The choice of training with FUNDEC is a crucial step in developing knowledge and skills that should pave the way to meet new professional challenges in the future.

Técnico+ is Técnico Lisbon’s post-graduate school, offering high quality advanced and professional training in the fields of Science and Technology.
It puts together all the existing (now or in the future) advanced training and non-degree courses in Técnico, responding to market needs and creating value for professionals and institutions, assuming itself as the national reference in this area.
More info for lifelong learning at IST: