Museum and Library

Museum and Library
DECivil has in its facilities the folowing museums and library:
- Museum of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment
- Library
Museum of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment (DECivil Museum)
The DECivil Museum, inaugurated on December 20, 1993, is located on the ground floor of the Civil Engineering Pavilion of IST, and its first director was Prof. Artur Mendes de Magalhães. The Museum's collection consists of the pieces collected and maintained in the Department, didactic heritage that, until the creation of the Museum, were in offices, laboratories and classrooms, and donated pieces of museum interest related to the areas of knowledge developed in DECivil. The heritage displayed in the Museum's exhibition hall, has an educational character and is regularly changed in order to allow its dissemination. The exhibition space is used for temporary exhibitions, the launching of books, the attribution of prizes, lectures and other events. The entrance in the Museum is free, from 11 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm, from Monday to Friday.

Director: Prof. Albano Neves e Sousa, email:
Supporting staff: Prazeres Costa, Tel. 21.8418023, Email:
The IST Library (BIST) has existed since 1911, when the Instituto Superior Técnico was created, being the successor, in part, of the existing one at the Instituto Industrial e Comercial de Lisboa, which had its origin in the second half of the 19th century.
BIST is characterized by being a Higher Education Library, specialized in the areas of Engineering, Science and Technology, possessing a documentary heritage that, enriched over the years, assumes itself as one of the most important at the national level.
Library opening hours in the Civil Building:
Mon. to Fri., 9h00-18h00 (until the end of July closes by 17h00)

Library contacts in the Civil Building:
Ana Teresa Pinto - - 21 841 85 47 (ext. 2547)
Rosa Traguedo - - 21 841 80 08 (ext. 2008)
Thaiane Cotts - - 21 841 80 07 (ext. 2007)