Scientific areas

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Scientific areas

DECivil comprises the following scientific areas:

The Scientific Area of Architecture comprises the curricular units (CUs) of the Scientific Area of Architecture  divided into three groups: Architectural Design, which includes the CUs that more directly guide the architecture practice; Architectural Culture which assembles the Architecture History and Theory CUs that  provide cultural background and/or theoretical support to the practice of the architectural design; Technology of Architecture includes CUs designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the practical and technological aspects involved in the materialisation of the architectural design.

Coordination: Profª Ana Cristina dos Santos Tostões

The Scientific Area of Construction includes professors that teach and investigate the following areas of Civil Engineering: Building Physics, Construction Materials, Construction Technology and Construction Management. At DECivil, this Scientific Area coordinates the Construction areas of the Bachelor, Master and PhD in Civil Engineering.

Coordination: Prof. João Pedro Ramôa Ribeiro Correia

The Scientific Area of Geotechnics includes 6 professors responsible for teaching, research and knowledge transfer in the field of Geotechnics. The teaching covers several courses: B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, M.Sc. in Civil Engineering and M.Sc. in Architecture and PhD in Civil Engineering. The Scientific Area coordinates the specialization in Geotechnics of the M.Sc. in Civil Engineering. The research activity of the professors in this Scientific Area is developed within the scope of CERIS.

Coordination: Prof. Maria Rafaela Pinheiro Cardoso

The Scientific Area of Hydraulics, Environment and Water Resources (ACHARH) includes about 15 professors with specific competencies in the fields of water and environment. The ACHARH is specially designed to investigate and provide training in the disciplinary areas of Hydraulics and Environment and Water Resources, ensuring the teaching of courses in various undergraduate, masters and doctoral courses at IST. The ACHARH coordinates the specialization in Hydraulics and Water Resources of the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering. The participation of its professors in research projects and the supervision of master and doctoral dissertations has allowed knowledge generation and its dissemination in society, in line with IST's Strategic Plan.

Coordination: Prof. José Manuel de Saldanha Gonçalves Matos

The Scientific Area of Structural Mechanics and Structures supports the activities of the Disciplinary Area with identical designation, assisting the actions of more than 20 academic staff members that exert teaching, research and knowledge transfer in the domains of Structural Mechanics and Structures. Teaching occurs in the B. Sc. courses on Civil Engineering, Mining and Energy Resources Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, the M. Sc. Course on Architecture and the M. Sc. and the Ph. D. courses on Civil Engineering through curricular units inserted in 6 disciplinary groups: Applied Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Steel and Composite Structures, Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete and Bridges and Special Structures.

Coordination: Prof. Luís Manuel Calado de Oliveira Martins

The Scientific area of Systems, Urbanism, Transportation and Environment is composed of the following disciplinary areas: Planning, Urbanism and Environment; Systems and Management; Transport and Transport Infrastructures. Moreover, this area participates in the Undergraduate and Masters Courses in Civil Engineering, Undergraduate and Masters Courses in Environmental Engineering and Master course in Architecture. This area is responsible for the Master Course in Spatial Planning and Urban Studies and the PhD Courses in Territorial Planning Engineering and Transportation Systems. Additionally, this scientific area participates in the PhD courses in Civil Engineering and Architecture and collaborates with the Departments of Engineering and Management and Computer Science and Engineering on a regular basis. The research activity of the members of this scientific area is developed within the scope of CERIS and CITUA.

Coordination: Prof. Maria do Rosário Sintra de Almeida Partidário