IST receives delegation from Shanghai University

Within the scope of the ULisboa School of the University of Shanghai (SHU), the Instituto Superior Técnico received a delegation from the University of Shanghai at the Alameda campus.

In its inaugural phase, the ULisboa School at SHU is offering a set of bachelor's and master's programs focused mainly on the area of engineering.

Degree courses include:

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering,
  • Civil Engineering,
  • Environmental engineering.

Master's degrees cover:

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering,
  • Civil Engineering,
  • Environmental engineering.

These programs represent a remarkable collaboration between IST at ULisboa and SHU.

The program took place between the 10th and 14th of November.

Day 10/11

2:25 pm – Reception at DECivil

2:30 pm – Presentations: Professor Fátima Montemor (Vice-President

for International Affairs), Professor Teresa Peña (President of the Pedagogical Council); Professor António Pinheiro (President of DECivil) and Professor Didia Covas (President of CERIS)

3:00 pm Presentations from Shanghai University

3:25 pm Exchange of gifts and group photos

3:30 pm – Closing Session

Day 14/11

9:00 – 10:00 – Brief Presentations DECivil, CERIS, relevant scientific areas and SHU

10h00 - 11h00 - Visit to the laboratories

11h00 - 12h00 – Questions and answers

12:00 – Lunch

This visit represents a significant milestone in the deepening of cooperation ties between Instituto Superior Técnico and Shanghai University.