DECivil researchers win award at 8JORNINC-3JORPROCIV
Following the 8as Jornadas de Segurança aos Incêndios Urbanos and the 3as Jornadas de Proteção Civil (8JORNINC-3JORPROCIV), which took place on June 1 and 2, 2023 at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), the organizing committee laureate the Best Article Award to the contribution "Numerical Assessment Of Firebrand Accumulation", by António Renato Bicelli, Pedro Cantor, Mário Rui Arruda, Carlos Tiago, Ellon Bernardes de Assis and Fernando Branco.
The work presents a numerical evaluation model of temperature distribution due to the accumulation of firebrands on flat surfaces. Comparisons are made with existing experimental results in the bibliography. The numerical model is based on 3D finite elements and uses nonlinear transient thermal analysis.
DECivil congratulates the authors on this award and wishes them all the best.