DECivil alumni win prizes awarded by the Grupo Português de Betão Estrutural

The Encontro Nacional BETÃO ESTRUTURAL – BE2024 took place at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) from 13 to 15 November 2024, continuing the Encontros Nacionais promoted biennially by the Grupo Português de Betão Estrutural (GPBE), chaired by Professor Eduardo Júlio. Several prizes were awarded to DECivil alumni, namely:

Presentation of the Medalha de Mérito to Eng. Ângela Nunes. From left to right: Eduardo Júlio (President of GPBE), Ângela Nunes (awarded), Mário Pimentel (President of the BE 2024 Organizing Committee)
Presentation of the Prémio Jovens Mestres (PJM) to Eng. Rodrigo Luís Santos Teófilo. From left to right: Rogério Madeira (member of the PJM Jury), Miguel Lourenço (member of the PJM Jury), Eduardo Júlio (co-advisor), Rodrigo Teófilo (awarded), Ana Sofia Louro (President of the PJM Jury) and André Furtado (advisor)

DECivil congratulates its alumni and respective supervisors of distinguished dissertations and wishes them all the best.

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