Architecture alumna wins Prémio Colégio de Património Arquitectónico 2023

The 2023 Prémio do Colégio do Património Arquitectónico (CPA) of Ordem dos Arquitectos was awarded to Laura Martins Guia, who holds a master's degree in architecture from the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon for her dissertation A Vista de Lisboa da Academia Nacional de Belas Artes e o seu seguimento, supervised by Professors João Appleton (Appleton e Domingos, Arquitectos) and Alexandra Alegre (IST).

The Jury of the CPA 2023 Award, chaired by Architect João Nuno Pernão and composed of architects Elsa Duarte (Direção Geral do Património Cultural), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Conselho Diretivo Nacional da Ordem dos Arquitectos), João Vieira Caldas (CPA) and Luís Miguel Correia (CPA), in a released statement, highlighted this work “from others for its approach considered exceptional, for the choice of the object of study, for the structure of the document, for the depth and rigor of the research, for the use of drawing in the research process, and for the production of new knowledge.”

The dissertation A Vista de Lisboa da Academia Nacional de Belas e o seu seguimento, presented to the Instituto Superior Técnico on December 6, 2022 and discussed by Professor Paulo Pereira (Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa), was classified out of 20 values.
It analyzed the studies dedicated to the View of Lisbon from the Academia Nacional de Belas Artes and its method of execution, accurately identifying the point from which it was drawn and, from there, not only was information added to the captions existing ones, identifying around thirty-five new elements, but also carried out a “reconstitution” exercise of their missing “following”, representing the city's orography and forty-two urban elements coeval with its execution.
DECivil congratulates Master Laura Martins Guia and Professor Alexandra Alegre for this award and wishes them all the best.